A 'moving' experience

about 6 years ago

In the midst of so much bad happening around us all the time, we often question whether humanity still exists. And then there come one or two news which goes on to reiterate faith back in the goodness of human beings.

This news from  Southampton, England was very heartwarming. Some weeks ago, a bookstore sent out a plea, “Care to lend a hand?” Thousands and thousands of books were needed to be shifted; the bookstore was moving. Volunteers were needed for "heavy manual work" in shifts.

The book shop, October Books, after a rent increase was forced it from its old home in Southampton. It’s a non-profit unit thus did not have enough to hire professional movers.  The shop was looking to move lock, stock and barrel about 150m to a three-storey building that used to house a bank.

After sending out the need for volunteers, the book shop did not know for sure whether anyone would turn up or not. Well, they did not get one or two, but hundreds of volunteers.

A human chain began forming from the old October Books stockroom, snaking past 54 doors to the new building. Hand-to-hand, the chain of people passed thousands of books over a few hours.

Now isn’t that a very ‘moving’ positive experience?