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Tulsian PMS Achievement

As per PMS Bazaar data (source: for the period ended 31st March 2024, Tulsian PMS Large Cap Investment Approach was #1 in the 1 year, 2 year and 3 year return, amongst all Large Cap schemes in its coverage. 1 year return was 72.68%, 2 years return CAGR was 32.23% and 3 years return CAGR was 36.94%. Click here to read more.

Learn more about PMS offerings here.

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It is worth it's weight in Gold. I will not be saying anything new, when I state that SPT SIR is the only true Messiah of retail investors. Thank you very much for everything.
Harish Sonpal on 02nd Jul 2024
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Debabrata Mondal on 30th May 2024