Technology at its best!

By Research Desk
about 10 years ago

There is a lot of innovation which happens in these technology companies  and such bright ideas are given nourishment, allowed to grow; who knows one day it might become a bestselling item!

So on 7th Jan, Intel held a big conference at Las Vegas ( the hot spot for all major conferences) and it unveiled some major innovations. There were a lot of new things – a gold ball sized PC known as Edison, a smart watch which could track its wearer, a earpiece that could manage your conversations even when the phone is not switched on and many more such quirky things.  But the one thing which caught everyone’s attention and which everyone wanted was a large bowl. Known as the ‘smart bowl’ its like the bowl at home where you put everything in it – car keys, take home menu cards, keys, mail, rubber bands and such knick knacks.  But what makes the smart bowl different is that it can hold all this while being a ‘charging bowl’. You just have to put, along with everything else, phone, iPod, earpiece, Fitbit or any other gadget that needs a charge into it and a while later, it's fully charged.

No more wires. No more jacks. No more plugs and sockets. You get the smart bowl all your issues are resolved. Wanna buy? You will have to wait for some more time before this goes commercial.