Acche Din Are Here; But May End on Nov 3

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

A recent Gallup survey showed that 56% of registered American voters said they are better off now than they were 4 years ago vs 32% saying they are worse off. So indeed Americans say their ‘acche din’ came with President Trump. Compare this to the approx. 45% who said they were better off 2012, when Obama got re elected, would indicate that Trump would get a clean sweep on Nov 3. But not so...

Trump is trailing in most key states which got him victory in 2016 and one of the key reasons is - Coronavirus which has wreaked havoc in 2020 and caused atleast 230K deaths in US. Is it a co-incidence that the virus originated in China which has been the #1 target of President Trump of the last 4 years? Maybe or maybe not and we may never know too...

2020 election is already setting new records in terms of number of voters who have voted already at 90 million (which is 65% of total votes in 2016) and may be much higher by end of day today, before the Voting day tomorrow (3rd Nov). Due to this, the results may not be known on Election Day since states have multiple days window to count the mail in votes; so unless it is a clean sweep, the suspense may continue.

The 2016 US election was unusual in many respects – Clinton got about 4.55% MORE votes than Trump but ended with 25% less ‘seats’ (227 for Clinton vs 304 for Trump). So is it a done deal in 2020? Definitely NOT! Biden may be leading most polls but so was Hillary in 2016. So hold on for a roller coaster ride in the next few days as market and world waits to know the next US President and whether ‘acche din’ continues...