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Little Gems

10 calls given in last 7 days
Last updated : 26th Jul at 08:40 am
Suitable for:
Growth Profile
Balanced Profile
Conservative Profile
Last 91 days performance of Little Gems
Calls Given: 123, Accuracy (Target met + Gain): 82%
Target met:
Open (in Gain): 4, Open (in Loss): 22
Disclaimer: Please note that past performance is not a guarantee for future performance.
Guidelines for Little Gems
Read Call Description Be greedy, book gains of 3-6%
Be patient, buy at given rates Buy closer to Target
Respect given timeline & target Chase Momentum

Portfolio Allocation
image image

  • To avoid portfolio allocation errors, run algorithmic review of your holdings in My Portfolio section
  • Disclosure: ‘Have interest’ means we have holding in the stock & vice-versa
  • Rationale for call: Fundamentals, recent news flow, current market trends

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