No Movies, No Audience - But PVR is Priceless

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

Does anyone remember release of any good Bollywood movies in last 45 days, or are likely to get released in the next 1 month? Reason is simple - No Producer or Distributor will take risk of movie getting flopped for want of audience.

As such only Film “83” and “Sooryavanshi” is ready for release, but both have its own stigma. Film 83 has actor Deepika Padukone (also Producer) who has negative following now. Sooryavanshi is also produced by Karan Johar, who is also eclipsed now. So both are fearful to release, after seeing the fate of Sadak 2, released on 28th August, 2020, being an overwhelmingly FLOP.

PVR Ltd, multiplexes exhibitor, had posted a net loss of Rs. 410 crore in H1FY21 (negative EPS of Rs. 77). Due to No Films and No Audience, (Chicken and Egg theory) company may post higher net loss in Q3 of FY21, than of Rs. 184 crore seen in Q2 FY21. Exhibitors are waiting for a BIG hit, but without realising that “One swallow doesn't make a Spring”.

But share price is ruling tall at 1,300. Really brave to see an investor owning it (not of institutional investors, who are buying on others money). Instead can watch 13 movies at home, by monetising 1 share. Not a bad idea.

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