Tata Motors - December Monthly sales - Dhoondhate rah jaoge

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

All Auto makers report their monthly sales numbers to Stock Exchanges, starting from 1st of following month. Tata Motors did it for December 2020, by its letter number Sc no-16203 dated January 1, 2021, addressed to BSE & NSE with “Sub: Press Release – Tata Motors Monthly Sales December 2020”.

Attached Press Release, has heading as “Tata Motors registered domestic sales of 150,958 units in Q3FY21 Grows by 41% over Q2 FY21 and by 24% over Q3 FY20”. Confusion does not end here. In one box Domestic sales of December 20 was written as 53,430 units. CV sales of  32,869 units was given in one box, with PV sales of 23,545 units in another box. Both adds up to 56,414 units, which is the right monthly Dec sales.

But seen too much laxity or can say that if this is the fate at release drafting, one can expect the financial fate. No one can arrive at total December sales, on a visual look, as you need to go round and round or Dhoondhate Rah Jaoge. One can not expect such confusing release from TATA stable.

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